What is a Dental Splint? An occlusal splint or orthotic device is a specially designed mouth guard for people who grind their teeth, have a history of pain and dysfunction associated with their bite or temporomandibular joints (TMJ), or have completed a full mouth reconstruction.
If you are someone who clenches or grinds their teeth at night while sleeping, or if you experience temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) or pain in jaw joints, then your dentist or oral health professional may have recommended that you consider wearing an occlusal splint.
This is because an occlusal splint is a dental appliance designed to help protect your teeth from wear and damage caused by involuntary clenching or grinding. But a splint is also designed to help relieve strain and stress on your muscles and your jaw joint, known as the temporomandibular joint or TMJ
Occusal Splint
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